For more than a decade Teched has been assisting its clients, operating in numerous sectors in public and state administration, as well as in private enterprises, to streamline their business and IT strategies, to analyse and improve their business processes, and implement IT solutions and systems best suited to their business needs. Today Teched is able to focus on a number of industry and business sectors thanks to the broad and reliable industry know-how and experience of our experts in those areas.
Criminal Intelligence plays an important role in the fight against serious and organized crime, particularly due to the increasing complexity and sophistication of organized crime. In order to increase operational efficiency and productivity and to address the need for integration of available information, applications and services we can, among other services, provide assistance in building law enforcement criminal intelligence systems, case management systems, open source intelligence systems and integration with analytical tools.
Number of countries around the world serve as proof that including an ICT in educational system of a country plays a key role in building the prosperity of that country. Our main expertise in this field includes providing high-quality training to teachers and other educationalists in the areas of use of ICT and e-learning in education and e-content development; development of e-content; establishment of an institutions such as e-Learning Centres with highly qualified staff; raising awareness and increase the usage of ICT in all aspects of education, with practical experience gained from educational and scientific network applications
Teched has extensive experience in designing and developing IT solutions for clients, particularly in the public sector, including developing a number of IT systems for the Ministry of Justice in Croatia
Macroeconomic management, fiscal policies, budget preparation, planning and execution as well as revenue collection plays critical role in the overall budget processes of a state government. Our expertise in Public Finance addresses all of these areas and includes building public finance reference models, budget performance monitoring, financial management information systems, budget decentralization, planning and execution. In the field of Revenue Administration we are experienced in tax administration business process analysis and improvement, taxation compliance risk management and designing and implementing on-line data collection services (e-Tax IT system) with special focus on security, authenticity and validity of tax forms through support for electronic documents and digital signatures.
Statistics is an area in which we have specialised working on the projects for various national statistics offices. Our expertise includes assistance in harmonization with EU regulations, assistance in building statistical capacity by designing and implementing statistical registries as well as data collection, processing and dissemination IT systems. We can offer complete solutions for computer assisted web interviewing systems (CAWI) and computer assisted personal interviewing systems (CAPI). We are also experienced in designing and developing statistical data warehouses integrating administrative data and survey data, building quality databases as well as building data processing and dissemination systems.
Teched has extensive experience in designing, development and customization of the Labour Market Information (LMI) systems which integrate all relevant labour market data (including the data from government agencies, data from educational institutions, data from employers etc.), extract the knowledge from that data and make it available and useful to policy-makers and other stakeholders, thus raising awareness of its importance for efficient evidence-based policy making, in accordance with the relevant strategies and initiatives in the beneficiary’s country
Taking care for environment, protecting, respecting and improving the environment and natural resources should be strategic objective for every government as it is the potential for future sustainable social and economic development. Our experience in this field can help by providing consulting and IT solution for storing, processing, analysing and reporting on environment data in accordance with the INSPIRE directive and integration with Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)
Our vertical solution offerings, like management information systems, loyalty management or investor relationship management systems and contact centre solutions can accomodate customers in multiple sectors and different industries.