
1 MAR 2008


31 DEC 2008

Project Description

The Budget user Reference Model gives guidelines for the design of financial management information system (FMIS) for Budget Users of the Republic of Croatia. The model aims to implement good practices in the field of public expenditure control and FMIS design by standardizing business processes and system functionalities necessary for supporting data exchange processes between the State treasury and its budget users. The reference model is aimed for authorities within the state ministries and their advisors who are engaged in planning and implementing such systems.

Project Activities

  • Analysis and documentation of the business processes and system functionalities necessary to support data exchange processes between the State Treasury and its budget users
  • Comparison of these processes with the Treasury Reference Model provided by the World Bank, to provide a similar model for budget users
  • Production of reference model to be used by budget users for the design of a financial management information system (FMIS)
  • Production of a questionnaire to be used by budget users to assess the compliance of their existing system or proposed future system with the reference model