
29 JUN 2018


29 SEP 2018

Project Description

The goal of the project was to enable the introduction of a holistic IT management model in the Croatian Chamber of Commerce in order to implement the activities of optimization and unification of the existing partial IT solutions into a unique holistic solution that will serve as a basis for creating a new e-service - the future Digital Chamber.

During the project, the technical and functional specifications of the new Digital Chamber have been documented, the implementation plan for connecting partial IT solutions in a unique solution has been elaborated, and the design of a holistic IT solution and an IT architecture was developed using Enterprise Architecture methodology.

Project Activities

  • Analysis of the current IT infrastructure of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce; including analysis of functionalities and technical specifications of existing digital solutions, data models and structures
  • A plan for implementing the linking of existing partial IT solutions to a unique, holistic IT solution has been developed as part of the Digital Transformation Implementation Plan
  • All necessary expert IT input data is provided for the implementation of the Digital Transformation Implementation Plan
  • The holistic model of IT management (i.e. the technology platform model) and its programming architecture has been developed,
  • Developed technical and functional specification of the entire Digital Chamber platform, including technical specifications for the procurement of necessary equipment (i.e. hardware and software) for the implementation of the entire project