This project enabled the Government to build an efficient financial management system, operating to European standards, by modernising budget processes and increasing the capacity for budget management. It included:
modernisation of the budget preparation processes by preparing a Medium term budget framework (MTBF) and improving the current budget programme classification,
improving the budget execution system by extending the Treasury Single Account coverage and improving cash planning etc.
training the staff of the Ministry of Finance and line ministries in budget management areas
Project Activities
Implementation of key performance indicators
Design and development of Macroeconomic Data Framework (MDF), budget simulation tool and customized reporting system for daily and monthly budget reports
Enabling budget users to manage their own Budget elaborations of new budget
Enabling budget users to manage their own Budget classifications, including ability to export data to Excel, CSV or pdf. format
Budget classification alignment with implementation of Master Data Management
Automating data exchange of public revenue collected and reported in the Treasury information system
Specification of XML schemas to define electronic data exchange between the State Treasury and budget users