
20 MAY 2020


30 JUN 2020

Project Description

The main goal of the project was to create two electronic questionnaires (web forms) to enable the collection of data for two surveys on the application of information and communication technologies in 2020.

  1. Questionnaire for data collection in the Survey on the Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Enterprises (ICT-POD)
  2. Questionnaire for data collection in the Survey on the application of information and communication technologies in households and individuals (ICT-DOM)

Project Activities

  • Design and development of web-based electronic questionnaires on the client-server platform that enable:
    • Collection of data on information and communication technologies at the level of statistical units, including logical-computational controls.
    • Linking to the list of statistical units covered by the surveys, including controls for updating the address list.
    • Storing data to the database used by Croatian Bureau of Statistics.
  • Revising and updating the database used by Croatian Bureau of Statistics,
  • Administration of all authorizations for working with the IT application,
  • Implementing electronic forms in production,
  • Producing of project documentation and the source code to the Croatian Bureau of Statistics