
10 JAN 2017


10 JUL 2018

Project Description

The purpose of the contract was (1) to extend availability of short-term statistics database (STS) by identifying insufficient or modified SPPI sub-indexes and (2) extend availability of energy statistics in the field of agriculture.

Expected results of the Component 1 of the project (related to short term statistics - STS) are:

(1a) conducted a statistical survey for the IPCU sub-index for the activity "Counselling in management relationship" (NACE M702),

(1b) Revised and upgraded statistical surveys for IPCU sub-indexes "Maritime and Coastal Passenger Transport" (NCEA H501) and "Maritime and Coastal Transport of Goods" (NCEA H502);

(1c) Created, developed and established Short - Term Statistics Base (STS) and placed on available to users on the CBS website and

(1d) Training conducted in the area of Short-Term Statistics for CBS Employees.

Expected results of the Component 2 (energy statistics) are:

(2a) Established statistical survey of final energy consumption in the agriculture sector;

(2b) Training carried out in the area of energy statistics for CBS staff.

Within activity (1a) we have designed the guidelines and methodology for conducting statistical survey for the IPCU sub-index for the activity "Counselling in management relationship" (NACE M702 4) and we have created web application for data collection, data processing and production of IPCU sub-index.

Within activity (1b) we have upgraded statistical surveys for IPCU sub-indexes "Maritime and Coastal Passenger Transport" (NCEA H501 5) and "Maritime and Coastal Transport of Goods" (NCEA H502 6) and we have created web application for data collection, data processing and production of IPCU sub-index.

Within activity (1c) we have designed and developed STS database and application for statisticians which enabled them to store STS data in one place and to export it to EUROSTAT in SDMX format.

We have also developed web application for dissemination of STS data that will be available on CBS public website.

We have also provided a number of subject-matter trainings, on-the-job trainings and organized study visit trips to statistical offices of other EU countries within activity (1d).

Within activity (2a) we have developed a methodology for data collection on final energy consumption in agriculture sector in line with Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics.

Within this activity we have also developed web application and Blaise application for data collection and we have carried out data collection on the sample of 3,500 enterprises, 2,500 crafts and 6,000 agricultural households.

Data collection has been carried out as CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) and CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing).

Finally, we have processed data that was collected, prepared and analysed the results.

We have also provided a number of subject-matter trainings, on-the-job trainings and organized study visit trips to statistical offices of other EU countries within activity (2b).

Project Activities

  • Preparation of methodology for data collection, processing and producing results in the field of NACE M702, NCEA H501 and NCEA H502
  • Design and development of web applications, databases and IT systems for web data collection, processing and calculation of indexes.
  • Design and development of web applications, databases and IT systems for managing, visualisation and dissemination of STS data in web, SDMX and PC Axis formats
  • Preparation of methodology for data collection, processing and producing results on final energy consumption in agriculture sector
  • Organization of trainings, knowledge transfer