Project Description
The purpose of the project was to provide an application for Budget Classification in order to provide organisational improvement support for budget preparation in the State Treasury, Croatia. The previous system was based on off-line Excel spreadsheets, as the current Financial Management information system (FMIS) does not support the entry of budget classifications.
Users of the Budget Classification system are able to use the application to view all budget classifications, to create requests for classification changes, to create new budget classifications, and to authorise any such changes. There are two levels of authorisation, needing at least two people to authorise the changes. Once a budget classification amendment has been authorised, then the system can transfer this data to the FMIS system in the State Treasury, using a standard XML document, together with STS – Security Token Service module – for authentication, which was also developed as part of the project.
The system enables transparent and high quality management of the budget classification, as well as insight and control of the process to all relevant staff. It also enables the revision of classifications throughout the budget year.
Project Activities