
12 JUL 2013


12 MAR 2014

Project Description

The objective of this project is to establish procedures and IT system for incident and change management in the State Treasury, which will use IT assets and business processes registers with the aim of improving the reliability, performance and efficiency of IT system.

There are two main components of the planned system: (1) Incident management component, (2) Change management component. An additional component which will be integrated with the two main components is (3) Register of IT assets and Register of business processes.

  1. Incident management component – the main objective of the incident management process which should be supported by this component, is to return the system in which the incident occurred to a normal working condition within the shortest time period possible, as well as to minimize the incident impact on business operations. It will be possible to solve some incidents immediately, whilst some will be recognized as repeating problems and for some of them a change request will be created in order to avoid their appearance in the future.
  2. The change management component – the objective is to ensure registration, authorisation, prioritisation, planning, testing, implementation, documentation and revision of change requests in a controlled manner.
  3. The subcomponent including the IT assets register and business processes register has the objective to create a central base of IT assets and business processes which will be used when describing incidents and change requests. Such registers will improve the data description quality and facilitate analysis and reporting.

Access to the aforementioned components will be available to all process participants, taking into account that certain users can, using the security model based on roles, see only that part of information which they need. Authentication and authorisation processes will prevent unauthorised users from accessing the system.

In collaboration with the Beneficiary, the Consultant will define and document incident and change management procedures on which the business logic of the developed system will be based. Written procedures will make the “Book of Rules” which will be followed by all system users.

Process management systems will be based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) standards and principles, adapted according to the Beneficiary's needs.

For data description, wherever possible, auxiliary codebooks will be used (for example, list of partners, list of locations, list of roles, etc.), which will help to improve the quality and simplicity of data description. In this way processes will be accelerated, whilst analysis and reporting will be made easier.

Project Activities

  • Analysis and documentation of as-is business processes and IT tools used in IT service desk of State Treasury
  • Conducting Gap-analysis
  • Drafting requirements and design of the future Incident and Change Management system, designing to-be processes
  • Drafting “Book of rules” for State Treasury Service desk
  • Database design
  • Customizing Microsoft CRM to satisfy requirements of the system for Service desk internal users
  • Development of the custom web applications enabling access to the Incident and Change Management system, for the State treasury service desk external users and external partners, based on Microsoft CRM platform
  • Testing of individual components and integration testing of the whole system
  • Training the users of the system and providing user and system administrator manuals
  • Project management
  • On-going support, upgrading, quality control and maintenance of the Service desk system
  • Help desk support for the users of the system