
18 JUN 2012


17 JUN 2014

Project Description

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to effective implementation and management of EU Cohesion policy funds in Croatia, in line with EU requirements.

The purpose of this project is the establishment of a Management Information System compliant with the EU Cohesion policy requirements, in order to support all structures involved in EU Structural and Cohesion Funds (SCF) management in recording and maintaining of data for monitoring and management purposes.

Results to be achieved by the Consultant:

  1. Current IPA MIS and the existing IT hardware and infrastructure analysed
  2. SCF MIS software developed
  3. Capacities of SCF MIS users enhanced.
  4. SCF MIS software maintained and upgraded.

Project Activities

  • Analysis and documentation of as-is business processes and to-be processes, including the analysis of detailed analyses of national legislation
  • Analysis of existing IT systems, hardware and infrastructure
  • Review and documentation of existing workload and activities (using UML)
  • Perform gap analysis between existing and required processes
  • Specification of functional and technical requirements of new system, including connectivity interfaces
  • Design and develop the system, in accordance with the agreed requirements
  • Test the system prior to handover to beneficiary
  • Assist the beneficiary in acceptance testing of the system, in their test environment
  • Deploy the system in the production environment
  • Preparation of training materials and user manuals
  • Provision of trainings
  • Project management and reporting