DPENDR - Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan (NDP) Delivery and Reform, Republic of Ireland
4 OCT 2023
4 AUG 2024
Project Description
This project provided technical support to Irish authorities for implementing Ireland's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). It builds upon a previous round of technical support, delivered by a different consortium in 2022 (under contract REFORM/SC2021/134).
The technical support is largely ICT-oriented, focusing on recommendations for improvements to Ireland’s RRF Information System and for the creation of a digital repository, as well as a cross-cutting benchmarking exercise of Member States regarding compliance with article 22 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241 on the protection of the Financial Interests of the Union (FIU), and associated capacity building activities. The technical support runs for a period of ten months, commencing in October 2023.
Ireland is one of the EU Member States that has submitted its recovery and resilience plan to the European Commission (EC), to be funded by the RRF - the largest component of Next Generation EU (NGEU). This is the European Union’s landmark temporary instrument for recovery from the economic and social damage that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused, while at the same time reinforcing the green transition and digital transformation of Member States.
The overall objective of Ireland’s NRRP is to contribute to a sustainable, equitable, green, and digital recovery effort, in a manner that complements and supports the Government’s broader recovery efforts. Ireland’s NRRP, consisting of three components, will do this through a set of 16 investments and 9 reform commitments, to a total value of €915 million, which Ireland will receive in grants from RRF. These will be used to support investments between now and mid-2026.
Ireland submitted an amended NRRP in May 2023, which was approved by the Council in July 2023. A REPowerEU chapter will shortly be added to it. Ireland’s first Payment Request, for €323.8m, was submitted in September 2023.
The expected outcome of the service contract is the delivery of enhanced mechanisms and capacity for monitoring, reporting and implementation of milestones and targets set out in the CID (including coordination and project management methods), specifically:
Project Activities
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