
1 APR 2005


1 JUL 2005

Project Description

The study was designed to provide baseline information to assist the government of Croatia with the future architectural direction of its Financial Management Information System(FMIS). It examined the overall FMIS, analyzing the implemented functionalities and the outstanding requirements of the Ministry of Finance and major budget users. A number of potential options for future development were explored and a vision for future evolution of the government’s FMIS proposed.

Project Activities

  • Designed and distributed a survey (questionnaire) to identify the constituent parts of the FMIS of the State Treasury and major budget users, including hardware, software, processes and functionality covered
  • Collected data from survey responses, validating their accuracy on a risk-based sample
  • Analysed findings and prepared a report for the Ministry of Finance
  • Performed gap analysis to assess the outstanding requirements for the FMIS in the Central Treasury and budget users
  • Developed a vision for the future evolution of the government's FMIS, describing feasible options for the rationalization of the existing FMIS, to increase the efficiency of these systems