
1 NOV 2004


31 OCT 2007

Project Description

The overall purpose of the project was to enable electronic services to be implemented in the Croatian Tax Administration. The project was divided into four sub-projects:

Sub-project 1: Tax administration government gateway The primary purpose of the project was to channel communication with specific government services, and also to provide the security part of the solution (to be one end of an encrypted communication channel with the client’s computer, to authenticate the client, and to route XML messages to appropriate service etc.).

Sub-project 2: Integration with back-end data processing systemsA set of interfaces between eTax and the host system was designed and implemented. The entire integration was designed on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles, i.e. a set of web services implemented both on the eTax side and host side.

Sub-project 3: eVAT service, for electronic submission of Value Added Tax forms, for legal entitieseVAT enables the submission of digitally signed electronic VAT forms through a public Internet infrastructure, leveraging smart-card based PKI certificates and using encrypted and digitally signed XML files as the data carrier. eVAT uses the government gateway model for the government to business (G2B) and government to citizen (G2C) electronic transactions.

Sub-project 4: ePKK service, accounting reports for legal entities The model for retrieving digitally signed accounting reports is basically the same as it is for submitting VAT forms: the user fills in the required data in an electronic form, which he then signs, encrypts and sends to the gateway which does all the required processing. Reports can be filtered for specific time periods, but up to and including the previous financial year. Once the data is received on the client, it can be searched, displayed, printed and manipulated in other ways, as the user deems necessary.

Project Activities

  • Analysis of system requirements in the Tax Administration
  • Design of system in accordance with client’s requirements and based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles
  • Development of a modern technological system in accordance with the agreed design
  • Testing of individual components and integration testing of the whole system prior to implementation in the client’s production environment
  • Training the users of the system and providing user and system administrator manuals
  • Project management
  • On-going support, maintenance and consultancy for the eTax system
  • Help desk support for the users of the system
  • Advising the client on best practices for web-based systems