Project Description
The goal of the project was to propose, analyse, test, review, design and finally communicate and prepare for scale-up of a Statistically Assisted Profiling model (StAP) for the Croatian Employment Service (CES).
The objective of the project was to pilot the use of statistical profiling techniques and design a software-based tool to manage the high case load of CES employment counsellors and to better focus CES limited resources.
The StAP tool provides support in planning and executing Active Labour Market Programmes (ALMPs) and reforms which have increased the number of population groups that public employment services traditionally targeted. In other words, the tool strives to support the overall reform agenda, including making it more attractive to work than to be on benefits, and enhancing cooperation between employment and social assistance systems
In order to ensure sustainability, the expert team developed a training programme, implemented training for usage of the new tool, and took steps for scaling-up the profiling model within the wider context of the CES processes.
In general, the purposes of the StAP system within the CES are to:
During the project, Teched Consulting Services assisted in project development and management, business solutions development,development of StAP application and database prototype and e-learning programme development.
Project Activities