
7 OCT 2014


6 APR 2017

Project Description

The objective of this project is to support the Kosovo Government in improving the quality and efficiency of education and training services through support and use of ICT technology in the teaching and learning process, thereby improving the lifelong learning and employability. The project provides further training in ICT and e-learning to teachers and educational sector staff and to facilitate and promote use of e-learning in the class rooms. The project support implementation of the new Kosovo curriculum through capacity building of local stakeholders in e-content development and use of e-learning materials. The project builds capacity of both women and men amongst teachers, school directors and other education stakeholders in use of e-learning platforms and storage systems. It will implement measures to notably increase the use of ICT, e-content and e-learning material by girls and boys in education with particular attention to take up and usage by girls who are often disadvantaged in terms of access to ICT and education in Kosovo notably in secondary school education and higher education.

This is achieved by implementing following activities:

  • Providing ICT and e-learning training and capacity building in schools and educational institutions and establishing e-learning Centre
  • Development of e-Content Material for Education required by the new Curriculum of Kosovo
  • Implementation of On-line Learning Management System
  • Preparation of the Readiness and Needs Assessment for ICT equipment and supplies and preparation for Supplies Contract
  • Providing technical assistance to monitor and evaluate the installation and testing of ICT equipment

Project Activities

  • E-Learning training and capacity building services
  • E-content material development services
  • Technical implementation services for Moodle - On-line Learning Management System
  • Preparation of specifications for procurement of ICT equipment for schools
  • Technical assistance services in monitoring and evaluating procurement procedure
  • Project management