
31 JAN 2014


31 JUL 2015

Project Description

The general objective of the project is to provide statistics to users in Croatia and EU, necessary for decision-making processes in public administration, business, research and academic community and to other users.

The specific purposes of the project are:

  • To achieve required compliance level with the Acquis communautaire in Business Statistics.
  • To upgrade the Data Collection (Computer Assisted Interviewing – CAI) System

The project supports the alignment of CBS statistical standards with those of the EU: within all project’s components the aim will be to upgrade and strengthen the statistical system of the beneficiary. The provision of services within this technical assistance project comprises of experts’ advice to their counterparts at CBS and training of CBS staff though workshops, seminars and methodological material.

Results achieved:

  • New surveys on energy final consumption in transport sector established and carried out. Data collected on energy final consumption in transport sector will use combined data sources (new surveys; administrative sources; existing statistical surveys);
  • New surveys introduced on Short Term Indicators - SPPI sub-indices established for two activities;
  • Technological enhancement (as included into the Eurostat MEETS programme) introduced for three surveys;
  • New Acquis communautaire in Information Society Statistics (ISS), more specifically in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) introduced and surveys carried out.
  • Data collection (Computer Assisted Interviewing – CAI) system upgraded and tested on three household surveys - Labour Force Survey (LFS), Household Budget Survey (HBS) and Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC); Case Management System for CAPI upgraded; Case Management System for new CATI Centre developed and installed.

Project Activities

  • Consulting services in the field of statistics transport sector
  • Consulting services in the field of Short Term Indicators
  • Software design and development services for new web surveys with data collection, processing and dissemination tools
  • Design and implementation services of data warehouse to support new survey carried using administrative data
  • Design and development services of new Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing IT system in CBS
  • Design and development services of new Blaise surveys
  • Training services for interviewers and CBS staff