
20 APR 2023


31 DEC 2023

Project Description

The purpose of the project is to achieve integrated medication data management at the national level to enable a simple and safe exchange of medication information among various stakeholders of the health system, rationalize resources, improve the safety of medication administration and contribute to the further improvement of the entire health system.

The scope of the project includes all medicinal products available in the Republic of Croatia, regardless of the registration procedure and financing from compulsory health insurance funds.

This project provides citizens with an eService in the e-Citizens (hrv. e-Građani) system, which enables the verification of data on the status of the medication on the basic and supplementary list of the Croatian Health Insurance Fund for medications that the patient is taking or has taken in the last 6 months. In addition, the patient is able to check the Package Leaflet in electronic form for medicinal products in use. The patient is also able to easily report a suspected adverse medication reaction, which is very important for a permanent assessment of the safety profile of each medication on the market. The goal of the e-service is to strengthen the patient's role in the treatment process and the level of care for their own health, and to encourage health literacy.

The project included three basic segments:

  1. Design of a unique database of medicines,
  2. Introduction of a system for checking interactions when prescribing and dispensing medicines, and
  3. Development of the functionality of direct reporting of medications side effects integrated into the Croatian e-Citizens platform.

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development, European Structural and Investment Fund through the Competitiveness and Cohesion operational program, as technical support services for structural reforms in Croatia.

Project Activities

  • As-Is analysis and design of functional specifications
  • Implementation of a unified medication database
  • Implementation of a system for checking interactions when prescribing and dispensing medicines
  • Implementation of the segment - Direct reporting of side effects from CEZIH and the e-Citizens system according to HALMED
  • Implementation of other components - Web application for administration of the e- Medicines system; Public website; a component for retrieving available information from the national medication database
  • Functional testing of the application
  • User education and preparation of user manuals
  • System implementation
  • Support and maintenance of the delivered solution