| Teched

With the aim of supporting the qualification process of employees of the EU Funded project “EUVEGE” in
Georgia, a study tour related to the Labour Market (LM) sector was organised in Croatia. The study tour
members had the chance to meet the private company Teched Consulting Services, in addition to the Croatian
Employment Services. Teched is the leading IT company in developing and elaborating Labour Market
Information System solutions to public and private entities in Croatia and some other countries. Teched has
expertise in developing LMIS (Labour Market Information Systems) and EMIS (Education Management Information
Systems) concepts that might be applied in Georgia in cooperation with the MoLHSA (Ministry of Labour,
Health, and Social Affairs) and MoES (Ministry of Education and Science).
The team leader of the EUVEGE project, Mr Wulf Schmieder said: “We have seen and discussed theory and
practice of career guidance systems and other active LM instruments. We gained insight in designing and
applying LMIS. We learned about the operational practice of private employment companies and many other
topics of interest, all Croatian counterparts were very open and supportive”.