| Teched

            Closing of the project “Introducing remote monitoring services in emergency medicine in Croatia”

The project “Introducing remote monitoring services in emergency medicine in Croatia” was officially closed
on 16.3.2023.

This technical support project (hereinafter: TSI project) entitled ‘Introducing remote monitoring services
in emergency medicine in Croatia’ (project code: REFORM/SC2021/116) was implemented under the European Union
Technical Support Instrument (TSI) which provides Member States with tailored technical expertise for the
design and implementation of reforms.

The implementation of the TSI project, through its Deliverable 3 entitled “National Framework for Remote
Monitoring in Emergency Medicine Services” is the first step in the expansion of telemedicine services
towards a mobile telemedicine environment. The Framework has created the foundation for the extension of the
scope of services in the field of emergency medicine in the Republic of Croatia, which is primarily a
functional national telemedicine framework for the transmission of medical patient data from vehicles of
out-of-hospital emergency medicine services (HMS2) in real time to teleconsultation centres.