| Teched

The general objective of the project implementation is to contribute to the strengthening of institutional
capacities and public services of the Ministry of Finance in order to improve the quality of good governance
in the budget system.
The aim of this project to deliver IT system for the collection and processing of financial
reports of budget users and for managing the Register of Budget Users. The system will provide budget users
with a simpler way of submitting financial statement and provide the Ministry of Finance and other users,
depending on the needs, with a tools to perform better and faster analysis of data from financial
statements. In addition, the system will help budget users in preparation of consolidated financial
statements at all levels of consolidation. Given that the financial statements of entities in the budget
system have been collected for more than 15 years, this project will migrate historical data into the
database of financial statements and provide consistent reporting solution.
The second part of the IT system refers to the management and keeping of the Register of
Budget Users. Entry in this Register acquires the status of a budget user, and thus the obligation to
compile and submit financial statements in accordance with budgetary accounting. The system will provide the
possibility of entering new entities, changing data for existing ones and deleting them from the Register,
all within the IT system and without paper forms.