| Teched

Teched has been shortlisted for the project „Technical Assistance for Provision of Career Services through
Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Model“ in Turkey for European Union Coordination Department in the Ministry of
Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey as Contracting Authority.
Teched is a member of a consortium led by Business and Strategies in Europe S.A. (B&S Europe) from
The overall objective of this contract is to attract and retain more people in employment by promoting
integration of the young people into the labour market. The technical assistance contract aims to ease
students’ and newly graduates’ transition to the world of work through career services at the universities
in the TR21 Trakya region (Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ). To that end, the Contractor shall provide services
such as establishing and improving Career Development Centers, preparing strategic and action plans,
conducting surveys, preparing and delivering trainings to the staff of the stakeholders and students,
developing software and web portals, engaging in informative and promotional activities, organising
enterprise visits, internships and an employment fair, conducting workshops and study visits.