| Teched

            Establishment and Development of the Environmental Information System for Montenegro

The project “Establishment and Development of the Environmental Information System” (EIS) for Montenegro was
initiated in November 2014.

The purpose of the project was to support the Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro in its mission
to provide accurate, reliable and timely environmental information to the European Environment Information
and Observation Network (EIONET), other international organisations, policy-makers and the public.

The EIS enables Montenegro’s network of environmental information providers to submit their data to the EPA
electronically via a web-enabled interface. This reduces the need for the EPA to process paper-based
submissions and enables staff to focus more on value-added activities. The quality, availability and
accessibility of environmental information is improved as a result.

The EIS has a dual focus:

  • 1) To support the reporting of the information required under the EIONET priority data flows for air pollution, air quality, climate change, biodiversity, water and waste, and

  • 2) To support the reporting on Montenegro National Indicators (NI) for the environment, covering the EIONET areas above plus soil, fisheries and agriculture, and sectoral pressures like energy, tourism and traffic.

The user groups of the Environmental Information System (EIS) are as follows:

  • The Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro;

  • The broader user-base at the Ministry of Sustainable Development & Tourism;

  • Agencies and institutions that gather environmental data;

  • Ministries and institutions that need access to validated environmental data;

  • Private or public organisations that are obliged by Montenegrin law to submit environmental data;

  • The wider public: citizens, business, academia, media and NGOs.

The EIS can be accessed at:

Teched Consulting Services Ltd., the leading company in the consortium was supported by the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Computing from Zagreb, Croatia. The project lasted 30 months. On 16th May 2017
the project was officially closed.