CES Services for Clients: Improving Lifelong Career Guidance and ICT Support
Start: 27 JUN 2011
End: 26 APR 2013

Comprehensive strengthening of the capacities of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training
Start: 1 JUL 2011
End: 1 MAR 2012

Development of IT application for surveys on continuous professional / vocational education and training and innovation
Start: 4 JAN 2011
End: 21 NOV 2011

Development of a sofware solution for management of institutional units by assigning a sector code within the SBR
Start: 4 OCT 2010
End: 29 JUN 2011

Major revision of classification and upgrading of subject-matter statistics
Start: 30 OCT 2009
End: 29 OCT 2010